Tyler Eddy

and 36 more

Climate change is affecting ocean temperature, acidity, currents, and primary production, causing shifts in species distributions, marine ecosystems, and ultimately fisheries. Earth system models simulate climate change impacts on physical and biogeochemical properties of future oceans under varying emissions scenarios. Coupling these simulations with an ensemble of global marine ecosystem models indicates decreasing global fish biomass with warming. However, regional projections of these impacts remain much more uncertain. Here, we employ CMIP5 and CMIP6 climate change impact projections using two Earth system models coupled with four regional and nine global marine ecosystem models in ten ocean regions to evaluate model agreement at regional scales. We find that models developed at different scales can lead to stark differences in biomass projections. On average, global models projected greater biomass declines by the end of the 21st century than regional models. For both global and regional models, greater biomass declines were projected using CMIP6 than CMIP5 simulations. Global models projected biomass declines in 86% of CMIP5 simulations for ocean regions compared to 50% for regional models in the same ocean regions. In CMIP6 simulations, all global model simulations projected biomass declines in ocean regions by 2100, while regional models projected biomass declines in 67% of the ocean region simulations. Our analysis suggests that improved understanding of the causes of differences between global and regional marine ecosystem model climate change projections is needed, alongside observational evaluation of modelled responses.

Jerome Guiet

and 4 more

The High Seas, lying beyond the boundaries of nations’ Exclusive Economic Zones, cover the majority of the ocean surface and host roughly two thirds of marine primary production. Yet, only a small fraction of global wild fish catch comes from the High Seas, despite intensifying industrial fishing efforts. The surprisingly small fish catch could reflect economic features of the High Seas - such as the difficulty and cost of fishing in remote parts of the ocean surface - or ecological features resulting in a small biomass of fish relative to primary production. We use the coupled biological-economic model BOATS to estimate contributing factors, comparing observed catches with simulations where: (i) fishing cost depends on distance from shore and seafloor depth; (ii) catchability depends on seafloor depth or vertical habitat extent; (iii) regions with micronutrient limitation have reduced biomass production; (iv) the trophic transfer of energy from primary production to demersal food webs depends on depth; and (v) High Seas biomass migrates to coastal regions. Our results suggest that the most important features are ecological: demersal fish communities receive a large proportion of primary production in shallow waters, but very little in deep waters due to respiration by small organisms throughout the water column. Other factors play a secondary role, with migrations having a potentially large but uncertain role, and economic factors having the smallest effects. Our results stress the importance of properly representing the High Seas biomass in future fisheries projections, and clarify their limited role in global food provision.