Mykhaylo Shumko

and 8 more

Microbursts are an impulsive increase of electrons from the radiation belts into the atmosphere and have been directly observed in low Earth orbit and the upper atmosphere. Prior work has estimated that microbursts are capable of rapidly depleting the radiation belt electrons on the order of a day, hence their role to radiation belt electron losses must be considered. Losses due to microbursts are not well constrained, and more work is necessary to accurately quantify their contribution as a loss process. To address this question we present a statistical study of > 35 keV microburst sizes using the pair of AeroCube-6 CubeSats. The microburst size distribution in low Earth orbit and the magnetic equator was derived using both spacecraft. In low Earth orbit, the majority of microbursts were observed while the AeroCube-6 separation was less than a few tens of km, mostly in latitude. To account for the statistical effects of random microburst locations and sizes, Monte Carlo and analytic models were developed to test hypothesized microburst size distributions. A family of microburst size distributions were tested and a Markov Chain Monte Carlo sampler was used to estimate the optimal distribution of model parameters. Finally, a majority of observed microbursts map to sizes less then 200 km at the magnetic equator. Since microbursts are widely believed to be generated by scattering of radiation belt electrons by whistler mode waves, the observed microburst size distribution was compared to whistler mode chorus size distributions derived in prior literature.

Thomas Paul O'Brien

and 2 more

We explore the hypothesis that electron precipitation curtains such as those observed by the AeroCube-6 satellite pair can be produced by electron microbursts. Precipitation curtains are latitudinal structures of stable precipitation that persist for timescales of 10s of seconds or longer. The electrons involved have energies of 10s-100s of keV. The microburst formation hypothesis states that a source region in the equatorial region produces a series of very low frequency chorus wave emissions. Each of these emissions in turn produces a microburst of electron precipitation, filling the drift and bounce loss cone on the local field line. Electrons in the drift loss cone remain on the field line and bounce-phase mix over subsequent bounces while also drifting in azimuth. When observed at downstream azimuths by a satellite equipped with an integral energy sensor, no bounce phase structure remains, or, equivalently, the same time profile is present when two such satellites pass by many seconds apart. The spatial structure that remains reflects the pattern of microburst sources. Statistical studies of where and when curtains occur have indicated that some, but not all, curtains could be caused by microbursts. We use test particle tracing in a dipole magnetic field to show that spatially stationary source regions generating periodic microbursts can produce curtain signatures azimuthally downstream. We conclude that one viable explanation for many of the curtains observed by the AeroCube-6 pair is the accumulation of drift-dispersed microburst electron byproducts in the drift loss cone.

Ingmar Sandberg

and 13 more