Heather Bedle

and 2 more

The factors that promote stability of Archean cratons are investigated from a combined geodynamic, geological, and geophysical perspective in order to evaluate the relative importance of nature—the initial conditions of a craton—versus nurture—the subsequent tectonic processes that may modify and destabilize cratonic lithosphere. We use stability regime diagrams to understand the factors that contribute to the intrinsic strength of a craton: buoyancy, viscosity, and relative integrated yield strength. Cratons formed early in Earth history when thermal conditions enhanced extraction of large melt fractions and early cratonization (cessation of penetrative deformation, magmatism and metamorphism) promote formation of stable Archean cratonic lithosphere. Subsequent processes that may modify and weaken cratonic lithosphere include subduction and slab rollback, rifting, and mantle plumes –processes that introduce heat, fluids, and partial melts that warm and metasomatize the lithosphere. We examine tomographic data from eight cratons, including four that are thought to be stable and four that have been proposed to be modified or destroyed. Our review suggests that continental lithosphere formed and cratonized prior to the end of the Archean has the potential to withstand subsequent deformation, heat, and metasomatism. Survivability is enhanced when cratons avoid subsequent tectonic processes, particularly subduction. It also depends on the extent and geometry of modification. However, because craton stability decreases as the Earth cools, marginally stable cratons that undergo even modest modification may be set on a path to destruction. Therefore, preservation of Archean cratons depends both on nature and nurture.

Geoffrey C. Collins

and 10 more

A nearly pole-to-pole survey near 140°E longitude on Europa revealed many areas that exhibit past lateral surface motions, and these areas were examined to determine whether the motions can be described by systems of rigid plates moving across Europa’s surface. Three areas showing plate-like behavior were examined in detail to determine the sequence of events that deformed the surface. All three areas were reconstructed to reveal the original pre-plate motion surfaces by performing multi-stage rotations of plates in spherical coordinates. Several motions observed along single plate boundaries were also noted in previous works, but this work links together isolated observations of lateral offsets into integrated systems of moving plates. Not all of the surveyed surface could be described by systems of rigid plates. There is evidence that the plate motions did not all happen at the same time, and that they are not happening today. We conclude that plate tectonic-like behavior on Europa occurs episodically, in limited regions, with less than 100 km of lateral motion accommodated along any particular boundary before plate motions cease. Europa may represent a world perched on the theoretical boundary between stagnant and mobile lid convective behavior, or it may represent an additional example of the wide variations in possible planetary convective regimes. Differences in observed strike-slip sense and plate rotation directions between the northern and southern hemispheres indicate that tidal forces may influence plate motions.