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November 11, 2022
Combined effect of hygienic and polygenic risk scores in children with allergic rhini...
Soo-Jong Hong, Eom Ji Choi, Kun Baek Song, et al.
January 06, 2022
Food allergy in early childhood increases the risk of pollen-food allergy syndrome
Kun Baek Song, Min Jee Park, Eom Ji Choi, et al.
September 11, 2020
The change of lung function in children with bronchiolitis obliterans syndrome after...
Sungsu Jung, Hee Mang Yoon, Jisun Yoon, et al.
January 04, 2021
Effect of early-life antibiotic exposure and IL-13 polymorphism on atopic dermatitis...
Min Jee Park, So-Yeon Lee, Si Hyeon Lee, et al.