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Pablo Cea

and 7 more

Giulia Mescolini

and 12 more

In the present study one hundred and sixteen partial G gene sequences of Avian metapneumovirus (aMPV) subtype B, obtained during routine diagnostics in different European Countries in the last few years (2014-2019), were analysed by sequence and phylogenetic analyses in order to draw an updated picture of the molecular characteristics of circulating strains. Nucleotide sequences were compared with other sequences of European and extra-European aMPV-Bs collected prior to that period or retrieved from GenBank. Phylogenetic relationships among the aMPV-B strains, reconstructed using the Maximum Likelihood method implemented in MEGA X, demonstrated that aMPV-B has evolved in Europe from its first appearance, frequently displaying a clear relation with the geographic area of detection. The 40% of aMPV-B viruses analysed were classified as vaccine-derived strains, being phylogenetically related, and showing high nucleotide identity with live commercial vaccine strains licensed in Europe. The remaining 60% were classified as field strains since they clustered separately and showed a low nucleotide identity with vaccines and vaccine-derived strains. The phylogenetic tree showed that the virus has continued to evolve from its first appearance in the ’80s since more recently detected strains belonged to clades phylogenetically distant from the older strains. Unlike vaccine-derived strains, field strains tended to cluster according to their geographic origin and irrespective of the host species where the viruses had been detected. In conclusion, the molecular characterization of aMPV-B and the differentiation between vaccines and field strains through G gene sequence analysis can be a useful tool towards correct diagnosis and should be routinely applied in order to better address the control strategies.