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Electromagnetic/acoustic coupling in partially-saturated porous rocks: An extension of Pride's theory
  • +1
  • Leonardo B Monachesi,
  • Fabio I Zyserman,
  • Laurence Jouniaux,
  • Arthur H Thompson
Leonardo B Monachesi
Gral. Roca, CONICET, Instituto de Investigación en Paleobiología y Geología, Universidad Nacional de Río Negro
Fabio I Zyserman
Facultad de Ciencias Astronómicas y Geofísicas, CONICET, Universidad Nacional de La Plata
Laurence Jouniaux
Institut Terre et Environnement de Strasbourg, UMR7063, Université de Strasbourg, CNRS
Arthur H Thompson
Independent researcher


In this paper a set of equations governing the electromagnetic/acous-tic coupling in partially-saturated porous rocks in the low-frequency regime is derived. The equations are obtained by volume averaging of fundamental electromagnetic and mechanical equations valid at the pore-scale, following the same procedure as the one developed in the seminal paper of S. Pride for porous media where the fluid electrolyte fully saturates the pore space. In the present approach it is assumed that the porous rock is partially saturated with a wetting-fluid electrolyte (water) 1 Springer Nature 2021 L A T E X template 2 Electromagnetic/acoustic coupling in partially-saturated porous rocks and a non-wetting fluid (air). We also assume that an electromagnet-ic/mechanical coupling exists at the water-solid and water-air contact surfaces through adsorbed excess charges balanced by mobile ions in the water. The proposed approach is valid at the low-frequency regime, where capillary pressure perturbations can be safely neglected. The governing equations thus derived are similar to the ones obtained by Pride with the main difference that the various coefficients, including the elec-trokinetic coupling coefficient and electric conductivity appearing in the transport equations are functions of the water saturation and depend on electrical and topological properties of both electric double layers.
20 Jun 2023Submitted to ESS Open Archive
23 Jun 2023Published in ESS Open Archive